Course Builder
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Published Tips
Course Builder: Core, Adapters, Providers, and Schemas
Vite on Nitro Setup (draft, practice)
Epic React v2 Tour
Using Inngest to Add Email Automation Feature to ProNextJS
Course Builder: Migration Scripts from Sanity to Course Builder for Epic Web
Course Builder: Create a Slack Notification Provider
New Tip
Course Builder: Commerce Components as a Monorepo Package
Hot Honey Chicken Sandwich
Course Builder: Add a Method to the Adapter
Course Builder: Commerce Port from Skill Stack Gets Stubbed Out
CRDTs: The Hard Parts by Martin Kleppmann
Course Builder Adapter
what is a Course Builder "session"?
Triggering Functions imported from external package
The Best Features of Roam
Course Builder Prompt Selection and Liquid Templating
Course Builder Image Screenshot Recognition
Course Builder Wip: Creating Tips With Inngest Workflows and Openai
Nextconf 2023
Dynamic Workflow Creation With Inngest and Sanity
Creating Custom Workflows With Inngest and Sanity
Inngest Dev Server
Using Mux and Gpt-4 for Ai-driven Video Uploads and Title Generation
Inngest + Sanity User-defined Workflows
Using Rscs and Suspense for Partial Pre-rendering
Workshop Chat
Google Calendar for Workshop Attendee Communication
Gather Town Setup for Online Coding Workshops
Signing up for
Kent C. Dodds and Joel Talk About Egghead on Epic Stack Aka Epic-egghead
Terminal Setup
Delicious Sausage Rolls
Multiplayer Tip Editing With Course Builder