Adding Commerce to Course Builder
Course Builder now has the basics of comemrce that have been proted over from skill stack and are being actively used to sell a live workshop tickets for ProAWS.
Thinking about next steps and work that we might consider.
Commerce Integration and Component Extraction
: We recently integrated commerce into the course builder by extracting commerce functionalities into the course-builder-turbo
repository within the packages
folder. This is referred to as commerce-next
because it still depends on Next.js. Our midterm goal is to remove any Next.js dependencies, making the commerce package framework-agnostic.
Components and Behaviors: The commerce-next
package includes components and behaviors for the complete e-commerce workflow, from pricing components to post-purchase screens. Major components include:
- Pricing Component: Handles various aspects like coupons, sale countdowns, and purchase power parity.
- Invoices: Essential for user demands.
- Team Aspects: Manage seats, invitations, and team ownership.
Design System: We aim to develop a comprehensive design system starting with these components, transitioning to Radix style composability to improve maintainability and customization.
Component Breakdown and Customization
Granular Composability: Each component (e.g., purchase transfer forms) will be broken down into smaller parts (headers, forms, buttons) to allow detailed customization while also offering a default configuration for rapid deployment.
Styling: Transitioning from global scope CSS to a token-based variable style system to manage colors, fonts, sizes, and spacing.
Pricing Component State Management
Current State: The pricing component has been ported quickly, leaving some functionalities like sale countdowns and waitlists incomplete.
Future Approach: Implement a state machine using xState to manage the various states and flows, ensuring a more organized and maintainable structure.
Framework-Agnostic Commerce Package
Framework Independence: Decouple from Next.js and make the commerce package usable with any framework. Framework-specific functionalities will be contained within their respective packages (e.g., Next.js, React).
End-to-End Testing
Playwright Integration: Inspired by OrbitKit's setup, we plan to integrate Playwright for end-to-end testing, including GitHub actions to automate tests. This setup will simulate real transactions and interactions, providing comprehensive test coverage.
Database Migration
Product Table Migration: Consolidate the product table into a generic content resource table in the database. This change aims to simplify the structure and reduce confusion by treating products as a type of content resource.
Additional Tasks and Ideas
Basic Next.js Template: Develop a simple Next.js template for a blog. Course Builder Template for Astro: Create a template to run Course Builder inside Astro, making it more framework-agnostic. Migration to Course Builder: Gradually migrating ProNextJS and Total TypeScript to Course Builder. Epic Web Project: Consider migrating to Remix for the Epic Web project.
Next Steps and Considerations
Dependency Removal: Identify and remove Next.js dependencies in the commerce-next
Configuration Management: Ensure environmental variables and configuration options are framework-agnostic.
Component Flexibility: Enhance component flexibility to support both detailed customization and default usage.